Is Gastric Sleeve or LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Banding Better for My Needs?

signsIn our last blog entry, we talked about some of the differences and advantages between laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery and gastric bypass, two of the most popular treatments here at Mid Louisiana Surgical Specialists. Today, we’ll compare gastric sleeve surgery with LAP-BAND® Adjustable Gastric Banding.

The LAP-BAND® System is a technique which involves the placement of an adjustable band around the top of the stomach to create a smaller stomach chamber, which allows for an earlier feeling of fullness while eating. It is fully reversible, and does not require any permanent surgical alteration or reshaping of the stomach. Gastric sleeve surgery actually removes about 75 to 80 percent of the stomach while leaving the remainder as a tube-like shape about the size of a banana. This restricts your food intake in addition to decreasing production of the hormone responsible for triggering your appetite. Both the LAP-BAND® System and gastric sleeve surgery are performed laparoscopically (utilizing small incisions and scopes to minimize recovery time and residual scarring), and can help patients lose significant amounts of weight.

There has been a large amount of research that has found gastric sleeve surgery to provide better weight loss results than gastric banding procedures, and Dr. James Parrish, our experienced bariatric surgeon, agrees with those findings. In fact, very few patients receive gastric banding procedures at our practice in comparison to gastric sleeve surgery; however, there are some significant distinctions between the two that will factor into Dr. Parrish’s recommendations. For instance, while both procedures are very safe, the LAP-BAND® System surgery has a lower complication rate and may be more appropriate for high-risk patients. With that in mind, Dr. Parrish has found gastric sleeve surgery to be an extraordinarily effective procedure. When compared to the LAP-BAND® System, the gastric sleeve produces much more weight loss and at a much higher and more predictable rate, making it the procedure of choice for most patients.

While both of these procedures are designed to help patients effectively lose weight and reduce serious risks to their lives and health, certain patients will be more ideal for one in comparison to the other. During your initial consultation, Dr. Parrish will discuss your options and determine which is best for you based on your physiological needs and personal goals.

Contact Mid Louisiana Surgical Specialists
If you have questions about our weight loss surgery procedures, or if you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Parrish, please contact us today.

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