Success Stories

Lost 130 lbs
With Gastric Sleeve

This weight loss surgery is not only for ladies but also for men as well. I looked into WLS about 5 years ago, after my primary care doctor influenced me to do so. I went through all of the classes and was getting close to scheduling my surgery, when I got cold feet and backed out of it. A year later I became very sick and had multiple hospital stays over the next few years. After being diagnosed with autonomic neuropathy, my primary care doctor again influenced me to check into WLS. This time the idea of having weight loss surgery made a totally different impression on me. Staying “big” was not an option anymore; all my options had been used up. I had the sleeve surgery July 1, 2013. That week, I became diabetic free! Prior to the surgery I was giving myself 70 ml of insulin injections to keep my blood sugar normal. After the surgery zero insulin! I went from having to take insulin, diabetes, blood pressure, acid reflux, cholesterol, stomach and breathing medicines to allow me to just function a little. Post operation, 3 months later, I take only breathing and neuropathy medicine. From 12 different medicines down to only three! Before surgery I could not walk to pick up a few groceries at a store. Now, I am jogging for 30 – 50 minutes a day in the pool at Louisiana Athletic Club.
It has now been 8 months since the sleeve operation. I continue to lose weight at a phenomenal rate! I have lost over 130 pounds. Even though I have slowed down in losing the weight this past month, I continue to see a change in my body size.
Now days I enjoy shopping for clothes straight off the rack instead of having to order everything online. I have been able to fit into Wranglers straight off the rack at Walmart. What an experience this has become. I do not regret the decision to have this surgery.
Thanks for giving me a new life, Dr. Parrish! -Lee