Success Stories

Lost 52 lbs
With Gastric Sleeve

My name is Cory Bermea. I’m 27 years old and a father of three. I had the gastric sleeve surgery on Dec. 3 of 2018 and it’s been a little over two months post op and I am down 52 lbs. so far. My reasoning behind taking the step to surgery is because I wanted to stay healthy for my kids. It was getting harder for me to keep up with them due to my excess weight. I was always one to say once I get to a certain weight I would start getting back in the gym but it seemed like every time I would see that weight, my mind would just push it back another 10 lbs. I became very unhappy with my body and where it was going. I was morbidly obese and being so young, I knew that nothing good was going to become of my excess weight if I didn’t make a change. I went and tried prescription medication, workout plans, any diet you can think of and I would lose 10-15 pounds but never could keep it off. I was referred to the surgery by a friend and asked my doctor if I would qualify and he said yes. Probably the best decision of my life! If has only been two months post op but I can tell such a difference in my energy levels, my knees and ankles don’t hurt at all from the excess weight, and I get a better sleep at night that I’m off my CPAP machine completely. Dr. Parrish and his team make you feel like family and can answer any questions you have. I was very nervous doing my initial appointment, but with every visit and seeing the rest of the team and getting a better understanding of the surgery and the situation to come after surgery that I was ready for the change. Being a young male, this surgery was hard to talk about with anybody but i know there are others just like me and how I was before surgery that have questions and the desire to make a change in their life, so I hope my story helps somebody out there looking to be a healthier you. I highly recommend going to see Dr. Parrish and his team to see if this is an option for you.